Since I was in kindergarten, I always change my ambition. I wanted to be Religious Teacher(Ustazah) one day, and the next month I wanted to be Singer just because I watched Amy Mastura sing in a nice big gown on TV. It's always a different dream until I was 15 years old. I knew at that time, I wanted to be an Architect. I developed a strong sense of interest in building structure. Skyscraper excite teenage me. The design, the structure, the look of facade makes me feel "To design all this is the best job ever". Since then, I try to get myself into that path, that Architecture path. Go to technical school, learn basic technical drawing, until I finished high school.

Unfortunately, I didn't do so well in my national exam. Almost give up my dream and just learn to accept that maybe being a Barista is not too bad. Suddenly, I received an offer letter for me to further my Diploma in Polytechnic Sabak Bernam. Things started to look like I'm going in the direction I always want to. So, there I am in Sabak Bernam, doing my Diploma in Architecture. Turns out to be, something that I truly hate. Something that I don't want to do anymore. I don't have any family member that close to me to give me the view of how Architect life gonna be. I was in it simply because I'm curious. This path lead me to my current career path. Drafting. CAD Drafter.

Do I like what I'm doing now? totally no. A big no. But I've been doing this for almost 5 years. From Architecture to Mechanical Drawing, I would say I know what I'm doing. This is the only thing I'm good at. At the same time, the only thing that I don't want to do everyday. I don't enjoy it like how i describe in my previous post. I just didn't know what I want to do in my life. Like finding a needle in a haystack. I let go a lot of dream. Dream that I once thought I want it. I let some dream die. 

Now, it just me and myself trying to figure out what is the right career path for me. What is my passion? What kind of work that I'm willing to do and not counting the money every end of month? A work that will make me not whine about waking up early in the morning. A work that I truly enjoy. The right career path.

I'm still searching mine.

Bukit Lagong, Gombak. Circa 2010
(Second Semester Diploma in Architecture)


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